On Saturday the 7th of November, Klokkespijs will have Sabine Bolk as guest. This time she will be with us live in the studio in Antwerp as she has returned from her “Journey to Batik” on Java, Indonesia.
Dutch artist Sabine Bolk has made a very interesting trip to Java, Indonesia to try and find a guru Batik or Batik teacher. Her plan is to return to Indonesia in 2010 and learn how to make traditional Javanese Batik, a wax-resist dyeing and painting technique of textiles. To find out if she succeeded and to listen to the sounds she gathered specially for Klokkespijs turn your radio on between 10:00 and 11:00 to Klokkespijs on Radio Centraal. (Streamed live, in Antwerp also on 106.7FM That is between 16:00 and 17:00 in the afternoon, Indonesian time!)
For more information on Sabine’s “Journey to Batik” visit dereisnaarbatik.blogspot.com.
For more information about Pisteffo and Klokkespijs go to www.klokkespijs.be
For more information about interimhost Koen de Wit go to www.koendewit.com
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